Brian Knight


Below are excerpts from the specifications for Component 2:
The Extended Assignment, aka the Case Study Assignment, as written in the UCLES DELTA Syllabus.

For a full version, as well as the assessment criteria applied, please click on the link above.

"Candidates must carry out a case study of an adult learner's use of English.

The assignment focuses on the performance of an individual adult learner of English, and includes a diagnostic test or other assessment procedure.

Candidates analyse data from the test and from other samples of the learner's English, comment on the learner's strengths and weaknesses, and identify language learning objectives for the learner.

The written assignment consists largely of connected text, with diagrams, notes and samples of test items / assessment tasks as appropriate."

Length: 4,000 - 4,500 words.

"Candidates should:
· identify a learner as the focus for the case study and refer to their general background, language learning background, learning style and motivation for learning English.

· provide samples of the learner's use of spoken and written English.
These should be obtained using a diagnostic test or some other form of assessment activity, which can be carried out individually or within a group.
In addition, other samples from classroom or individual activities may be included.

· give a rationale for the diagnostic test / assessment procedure / activity, including relevant discussion of the principles of assessment.

· analyse the data from the test and other samples, leading to conclusions about the learner's strengths and weaknesses.
Candidates should refer to the learner's knowledge and use of the language systems (i.e. grammatical, lexical, phonological and discoursal) and skills (i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening).

· state language learning objectives for the learner, with suggestions for activities and resources to achieve these."

The following is an excerpt from the "Extended Assignment Report 2000", page 12.

"Within the 4,500-word limit, a typical allocation of space has been:
· learner profile - 750 words;
· description of samples and test: rationale for their selection, application of test factors to own test - 1,000 words;
· analysis of data: evaluation of strengths and weaknesses - 1,500 words;
· learning objectives and suggestions for achieving them - 750 words;
· appendices containing the completed test, annotated samples of writing, annotated transcript of spoken data, questionnaires on needs analysis or learning style."