Phil's EFL Support Site

for English Language Teachers studying for Masters or Diplomas




Applied Linguistics - "publishes research into language with relevance to real world problems."

AJELT - The Asian Journal of ELT. Invaluable for an Asian perspective.

Australian Journal of Educational Technology - one of my favourite journals.

Educational Action Research - an excellent journal with some fascinating articles on recent action research projects from around the world.

ELT Forum Library - one of the biggest collections of articles and books available.

ELTJ - The English Language Teaching Journal online.

ELTED - English Language Teacher Education and Development exchanges ideas and information on theoretical and applied issues in PD.

English for Specific Purposes - for all of us interested in ESP.

English Teaching Professional - "Practical inspiration and professional development."

ESL Magazine - Practical, up-to-date and very interesting.

Humanising Language Teaching - an interesting practical online journal from Pilgrims.

Internet TESL Journal - Lots of ideas for the classroom with some interesting research papers as well.

JALT Journal - from the Japan Association for Language Teaching.

Journal of Second Language Writing - edited by Leki and Silva, which underlines its quality.

LANGUAGE - Journal of the Linguistic Society of America.

Language Learning - a journal of research in language studies.

Language Learning & Technology - "a refereed journal for second and foreign language educators."

Language Teacher - the language teachers' journal from JALT.

Language Teaching Research - "supports and develops research in second or foreign language teaching."

Language Testing Update - keeps "language teachers, testers and researchers up to date with events in the field of language testing".

MET - Modern English Teacher online.

Modern Language Journal - "devoted to research and discussion about the learning and teaching of foreign and second languages."

Prospect - An Australian TESOL journal that explores the relationship between research, theory, practice and professional development.

Reading in a Foreign Language - a refereed journal on foreign language reading and literacy.

RECALL - Back issues from EUROCALL (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning) available online.

Studies in SLA - Second Language Acquisition journal from CUP.

techLEARNING - one of the best journals on educational technology.

TESL-EJ - Wide ranging Electronic Journal.

TESOL Journal - details of back issues and what's available online.

TESOL Quarterly - read and search issues online.

The Education Technology Review - one of the best journals on the use of technology in the classroom.

The Internet & Higher Education Journal - practical, readable articles with some great tips on using the Net in your classes.

The Reading Matrix - an international online journal; set up as an interactive alternative as opposed to a print journal copy - interesting.

THESIS - The Times Higher Education Supplement online.