Distance Education Technologies 2000
A report on the conference held in Toronto with links to all the main
sites discussed.
Teaching with the Net
A useful page of 46 links to use in your classes.
Web Technologies
A fascinating series of links from Curtis Bonk.
Three good journals on the use of technology in the classroom:
The Internet & Higher Education
The Learning Technologies Report
a class webpage
A good site to help you develop your own online pages and exercises.
Online teaching
links - web based instruction
Special projects and experiences in web based instruction and research
with links to 18 projects and order forms for 7 of the latest book resources
in this field. A great site for all of us who are looking at incorporating
the latest technology into our classroom teaching.
The link to the home page of the people who have given us Top Class that
I consider the best forum outside of WebCT.
A framework
for evaluating the use of educational technology
A long but fascinating report by Martin Oliver.
Academic technologies
for learning
University of Alberta page with good links on web site news and distributed
Learning Networks
A fascinating article by J.Olin Campbell subtitled 'Evaluating Anytime/Anywhere
Learning' which details how ALN technology can be used to provide reliably
assessed courses.
Technology for prospective language teachers - an article by Bob Godwin-Jones
full of useful links.
Adaptive Testing (CAT)
Details on the University of Minnesota CARLA project which shows how technology
can help us create valid and reliable language skills tests.
Home page of one of the best forums I have used to run interactive courses
Village Online
The TESOL CALL Inerest Sections pre-conference discussion forum with loads
of useful links to other ongoing discussion groups.
The most active community of language teachers using technology that I
know of. A wealth of links and thought-provoking discussion.