Phil's EFL Support Site

for English Language Teachers studying for Masters or Diplomas




These seven worksheets are most effective if you do them in this order.

Task for lesson planning
5 questions to get you reflecting about how you plan lessons.

Lesson plan checklist
A checklist of all you need to include on a DELTA lesson plan.
Acts as a good reminder for the rest of us too.

Lesson plan aims
A list of 25 possible aims that give you a good idea of how to phrase yours.

Lesson Planning 2
The second session from our DELTA course - from observing teachers to traffic lights.

Observation Task 1
A template to focus your teacher observations on their planning.

Features of a good lesson
Twenty features of a good lesson as listed by students and teachers.

A Metaphor for Language Teaching
Traffic Lights as a powerful metaphor for teaching - an especially useful tool for planning.

Calling all teachers who have those dream lessons that always work and who don't mind sharing them with us.
I can only include plans that you are happy for me to put up here.
So, please send me any plan by email with an attachment.

Lesson planning and lesson plans
The introduction doesn't say much, but there are loads of links all on the subject of lesson plans. Definitely worth a browse when you are short on ideas.

Lesson Plans
A comprehensive site with suggestions and guidelines for writing lesson plans from Danyal's TESOL DL site.

The NYTimes Daily Lesson Plan
Apart from being a great source of interesting and topical lessons, I like to use this source to see how different teachers from a variety of disciplines subdivide their plans.

Instant Lessons
This is one of the few membership sites that I would actually advocate joining. I've used numerous lessons and they've all worked. Particularly good at integrating skills work and ideal for that sub lesson you've only got 5 minutes to prepare for. Have a look at their sample lessons and try them out.

English lessons and tests
An interesting site given to me by a couple of teachers who swear by it. Personally, I found it took too much trawling to find lessons I wanted, but check it out and let me know if you disagree.